Every 9 seconds someone in the United States sustains a Brain Injury
Every 9 seconds someone in the United States sustains a Brain Injury
We know your medical needs don't stop when office hours are over. We also know how hard it is to have a moment of fear during those hours and the inability to ask questions and get answers. Feel free to use our help line and our email service to get a message to us when your health team is not accessible for you.
If you know someone who has recently fallen victim to an injury related to the brain, and who may be facing life altering circumstances; Strong Will is here to support them. We will ensure they feel loved, and never alone, during these unimaginable moments. Fill out an application for our support or reach out to us directly.
When you reach out to us, you join a community. We work not just with you, but connect you with others in our community, who are also recovering from similar injuries. Together we rise and divided we fall; we will continue working together building a network, to advocate awareness and demonstrate resilience, in the world of neurology.
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